
Showing posts from January, 2020

Archipelagoes and Santorini

Geologists are enamored by the “broken plate” theory, and a more demonstrable dynamic is with visable Polygons. Attached is a Hexagon, formed by continual vibration of the Earth’s surface and crust. These form on the cm to km scale, and California has 800 km on a side of a Octagon with only a 45 degree corner seen on the Mendocino 40.439N transform. Earth Tides have 3 components: daily rise and fall; 2. Rotation of the water column by a meter or so, and 3. Froth against the landmass. These are repeated for land movement on a much reduced scale- according to the viscosity of rock, relative to a centipoise for water.  Santorini is part of an archipelago which’s only seen from an island view; use Google Earth to get the big picture seen on Turkey’s west coast. Kos, Greece and Kosidasi (bird island) are jerked by the quakes created by uplift of the islands. West Turkey is rising, as shown by Ephesus which was a seaport in Pauline times, and now is inland 6 kilometers inland by the ...

Turkey as seen by Faults and Slickensides

Turkey had a Killer  6.7M this week, and I find that’s in the east rather than West Turkey where it’s rising for the Anatolian plateau Ap. Colorado plateau Cp has slickensides as shown, and you can determine its Rotation (CCW-rising for Cp) when viewing its edge at the Hurricane fault Hf- where the uplifting face has striations / as shown: these are seen for Turkey’s North Anatolia fault in the second and third photo from the literature. Turkey is rising, as shown at Ephesus- where the Menderes River (root for Meander) which was a seaport, and is now 5 km inland.   Field Geologists have placed movement arrows on the above slicks- showing that the face Rises for an uplift as seen looking at it. One always looks at the rising face, regardless of its location. Strike-slip fault is shown in next photo- where the rise is on the right with Counter Clockwise CCW rotation: Turkey has jerks at the west peninsula, since there’s an archipelago ...