
Showing posts from April, 2020

Summary of Dynamics: Gt and distant anomalies

 Example of valuable predictions for Yellowstone’s Heat (geothermal Gt) associated with the sharp bend to the south of the Colorado River at Arizona’s Lake Mead downstream of Hoover dam- which goes south to Mexico. 999 km corner also exists at Sierra Grande in New Mexico 999 km to the east: Equilateral triangle was repeated, to see any deviations and the small differences always exist whenever there are Dynamics- otherwise there’s a perfect ET when no event occurs to distort it!  Below is an anomaly close to where I hike- that of a sandstone mound lifted by dark energy at the edge of Pine Valley Mountains PVM monzonite as an outlier of the 22 million year rise: Summary: 1. Dynamics of the heat-produced initial corner produces anomalies multiples of 111 km- which’s the ratio of 40,000 km circumference/360 degrees globe= 111.111km/degree, and it’s unknown whether the extra .111 km is involved; 2. Location of the associated anomalies is within 2 km; 3. Anomalies are us...

Archipelagoes preceded by smaller ones yield 5 anomaly times

 Ipad photo above shows the Aleutians archipelago and its predecessor north of Greenland 4,444 km distant;40 degrees equivalent in any direction and ignore the 8,880 km- which allows the IPad to move the position. Distance is the same for Java’s Merbabu to the Himalayas 4,444 km, and hints that the same event formed both Archipelagoes. Solution of the time can be solved from Java’s oldest rocks. Below is an enlarged photo focused on Bower’s subsurface ridge, for an additional time measure- anticipated to be 39-40 million years of age: Youngest of the Archipelagoes is the Antilles Martinique shown with 2,400 km separation from the Florida Keys- a Pleistocene feature; ratio of 4,444/2,400 can be used to get a preliminary age of the older one.  Opposite to the Arctic is the South Georgia- Shetland Archipelago shown above; it has the forerunner at the border, and its age can be found in literature. Age should be half of the 4,444 km separation of Java to Himalayas show...

Earth’s surface triangles not in ET category: sinks to meteor strikes

 Above meteor crater to Stoneman Lake, to Sunset volcano crater of thousand year age makes a triangle that’s not equilateral; it has clues for further understanding of how dark Energy directs placement of meteor strikes. Below is a literature photo of this crater near Flagstaff, Arizona: Meteor crater above is a 50-60 thousand year age sink which occurs in Arizona near Williams; Stoneman Lake is shown below: Sunset crater is an outlier of the Flagstaff’s San Francisco’s volcanic field- which has continued since Mogollon rim time. Since above anomaly has a sink, a Crater, and a strike, I will use the Sand Mountain edge which has a Black Hole and another anomaly to replicate the feature (hiked finding the following feature): Black hole- faulted- above was found in the Sand Hollow wash, and the clean round hole led to a spring in the valley; it’s now covered by the SHLake, below:  “Big picture” of the triangular connection is shown below, and replicated b...

Arcs and Archipelago repetition with Time, eg Antilles to the Keys

 Florida Keys above are the youngest archipelago found on Earth; they form via precipitation of CaCO3- limestone coming from the Gulf of Mexico’s cold high pressure dissolved shells, and drop out with the rise of exiting water into warm surface Gulfstream above ^. Antilles Archipelago has reverse Tides to the east, and dark energy replicates them in the Florida Keys. Look at the Arctic island above the Arctic circle, where the Sun doesn’t shine; our Moon does, and it and Earth’s Barycenter has a monthly rotation about this Core’s focus, which makes a circular or meander with noticeable arcuate drainage- uninfluenced by the sun. Bowers Ridge half figure 8 should have other Archipelagoes with similarities:  Similarly, the Arctic’s arc on the north side of Greenland is replicated in the Aleutians archipelago by a length ratio of 3,320/830 km= 4. Quartering occurs via distance, density (4 for basalt vs 1 for water), and Time- so fit these into earth Dynamics: Above ar...