Archipelagoes preceded by smaller ones yield 5 anomaly times

 Ipad photo above shows the Aleutians archipelago and its predecessor north of Greenland 4,444 km distant;40 degrees equivalent in any direction and ignore the 8,880 km- which allows the IPad to move the position. Distance is the same for Java’s Merbabu to the Himalayas 4,444 km, and hints that the same event formed both Archipelagoes. Solution of the time can be solved from Java’s oldest rocks. Below is an enlarged photo focused on Bower’s subsurface ridge, for an additional time measure- anticipated to be 39-40 million years of age:
Youngest of the Archipelagoes is the Antilles Martinique shown with 2,400 km separation from the Florida Keys- a Pleistocene feature; ratio of 4,444/2,400 can be used to get a preliminary age of the older one.

 Opposite to the Arctic is the South Georgia- Shetland Archipelago shown above; it has the forerunner at the border, and its age can be found in literature. Age should be half of the 4,444 km separation of Java to Himalayas shown below:
 Geologic Age of the Florida Keys is Pleistocene as shown above, and are limestone precipitation from CaSO3 dissolved by high pressure and low temperature in the deep Gulf of Mexico (shell life) to warm atmospheric water towards the Gulfstream, and below is the fifth Marianas Archipelago- which shows the older forerunners to the west >) concentric with the present arc:
Testing the 5,998/3= 1,999 km which started with 2,222-sided triangle, displacement is 223 km shy, or 10 percent, and unacceptable! Chose another attempt shown below:

3,372/3=1124- which’s 125 over and no better! IPad isn’t the right tool for the analysis, and below the photo is more information.

Conjecture that Sudbury crater in Northeast Canada was the instigator of the older archipelago, literature has information about the 
1.85 billion year crater- which yields an age to the PreCambrian feature.
 Curious to know how the Marianas fit in the time sequence, I used the Equilateral triangle ET to overlay the entire archipelago above; below is the dormant volcanic island Pagan:
Diameter was not in the 111 km-sided ET, and this is shown in the Triangle below 2 frames down. 
Above is the east corner with circular seamounts, and  below is the north where Marianas inflections give way to the Ogasawara sequence:

Is the Cascade trend an archipelago? No- pelagic is the “open seas”; an arc in the ocean pertains to Indonesia and others. Below is the northmost Garibaldi volcano in Canada, of the Cascades. Below that shows the triangle from Mt Lassen to Garibaldi; interesting is that it corners with Yellowstone 1,083 km distant:

 Land surface doesn’t have Archipelagoes (deep sea is pelagic), but there are scarps which act as barriers for dark energy to create equilateral triangles ET; above is the Southwest side of the Mogollon rim, and below is one corner with heat from an extrusion:
Why is the Equilateral triangle ET so accurate, and what is the Dark Energy driving it? Big picture of the America’s ET may solve this- starting with the prime Reference Mendocino 40.439N latitude below:

 Galápagos Islands- bear the Wolf Volcano is 5,555 km from Mendocino or 50 degrees below it; this reaches the Equator at Zero north, but not to Ecuador, South America. 16,408/3= 5,469, or 86 shy- 1.3 percent deviation. Good- compared to geological measurements which are lucky to be within 10!
Big picture above includes both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and cuts across Costa Rica’s Arenal- ol’sandy- which I visited via Elderhostel (now Road scholar) and was tossed a boulder from Arenal- which missed, so that I can relate that it was from Earth’s crust, and not from the mantle’s basalt. This partly confirms that Dark energy works from the top, and not from Geo “mantle plumes”! See the Costa Rica twist below:


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