Mt. St. Helens (1980) 40 years later

 Now-2020- Mt. St. Helens is 684/3= 228 km, with 6km displacement from 222 km sided equilateral triangle. ET reaches to anomalies shown below:
First, below, is a trench-sink offsetting the volcanic rise; further below are Hot springs near Mt. Olympus in Washington state:

 Total ET has the “Big picture” of anomalous springs and Pacific Ocean’s Seafloor arc >) pointing to the dormant killer:
Anatahan is a regularly erupting volcanic island in the Mariana’s archipelago; the large ET view may yield the reason why a triangular approach occurs. Below is the Google Earth view of it:
684/3= 228 km- 6 above the 222 km on the first limb from the island  
 Question now is: should 20 x 111=2,220 km be measured, or 2,222?
 6,868/3=2,289km, 67 above the 2,222 selected for the first limb.
Above are the coordinates for this unoccupied island.
 Above, it appears that 2,220 km would have reached the island to the upper right; use multiples of 111- 2,220 km in this case! Below, a trench is always simple for selecting a distance either way.
1. Use multiples of 111 for the triangle’s first limb;
2. First limb is the guide to an anomaly and if none is found, choose another distance; and
3. Largest triangle has the oldest interval time, and the triangle remains equilateral with time.   
 Not satisfied with Nevada’s 6.4M, since many aftershocks have continued, I looked further away to incorporate Yellowstone National Park’s Heat.  2,691/3= 897 km average, 9 more than the 888 km side from the quake location. This’s 1.1 percent deviation from the equilateral triangle corner; big picture is below:
 Displaced corner at .25 degrees latitude from Yellowstone is near 28 km away, and magnifies the corner error of plotting! Careful selection of second corner will offset some of the deviation.
Conclusions 1. Renewed activity at Yellowstone has created the aftershocks in Nevada;
2. Equilateral triangle ET provides a new approach to quake swarms; and
3. Search at 111 km for initial large quakes, but increase the distance for swarms!
Below is the triangle center anomaly and below that is the initial larger quake location:

Choosing a high latitude Kamchatka’s active volcano, I will test the equilateral triangle ET for finding anomalies where the Mercator projection is inaccurate; above is one of Kamchatka’s active this week.982/3= 327.3km, for 5.7 km or 1.8 percent deviation that’s the initial difficulty! Hot corner is pertinent to LaGrange ET!
Study the triangle for information and anomalies:

Above is the entire triangle, and below is the next corner:
New is the location of another inactive volcano above, and below that is the Anomaly to be deciphered:

 Puhahonu is a subsurface volcano with a shaft visible in the Emperor chain shown below:
6,542/3= 2180.7 km, for first limb of 2,222 km- yielding 41.3 shy= 2 percent deviation.
 Above is the northwest corner, and more importantly below is the disturbance I call a strike signature:
 Midway island is shown for orientation along the Emperor chain; error is large for this largest diameter volcano. It may shed light on the strike feature?
 Above 5,550 km distance from Apolaki crater offshore Philippines is 50 degrees of longitude when at the Equator; more for this case which’s at 19N. Below is the crater coordinates:
 Mid coordinates at 125E is the starting point:
Below is the splash Crater to be investigated:
Settled is that multiples of 111 km should be used; if no anomaly occurs at 111 km, proceed to 222 km;
Last circular crater is seen below, and it appears to have bounced twice- initial circular crater location is shown in dark (energy?):


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