Yellowstone’s uplift is rotating the N. American crust

Influence of Yellowstone was noticeable at 999 km distant by a shift of the Colorado River to the south below Lake Mead (135 degrees from its Colorado plateau Cp direction):

Yellowstone is the last location of the trail of intrusions starting 13 million years ago at the Oregon-Nevada border: 

 Curvature of Canada’s Great Slave Lake has resulted from 24 x 111= 2,662 km from Yellowstone above, and below past the North Pole 22.2 km, or 111/5:

Sand flows in the desert Southwest below, while beaches are diverted on Whidbey Island two frames down:

Relating the California arc from Mendocino’s I 40.439N to Santa Barbara transform, below shows the 1,332 distance from Yellowstone (12 x 111), and the jut occurs below:

Transform edge at the subsurface scarp matches the Santa Barbara Coast, and shows that Yellowstone has influenced the arc from its 2.2 million years eruption at its present position. Rate of expansion can be found by using the similar age sediment in the Central Valley (1.62 was at Sutter Buttes eruption). Other geologists have different Yellowstone eruption ages, and 2 frames down are 2.1 million years for the outwash plain offshore Mendocino:

From Mendocino’s cape below, to Donner Pass, Sierras, separation is 373 km-20 mm/year yields 18.65 million years ago and the western side of the Sierras yields an age too small! East to Reno, Nevada would yield the 2.1 years that we seek.

Possibly Yellowstone ET can find anomalies to the northwest across the Rocky Mountains below:3,066/3= 1,022 km, when 999 km was the selected side to the NW:
 2.3 percent deviation is marginal, and a clue that the longitude is too high with the Mercator projection; I see something of value to the Oregon Coast.
 Above and below magnified are “compressional features”- like Mima mounds- in the diagonal checkerboard arrangement east of the ocean floor slice. Force is to the east, from Reverse Tides- somewhat less than the west movement south of Mendocino 40.439N:

Today- June 30/2020- is asteroid Chelyabinsk and Tanguska zooms over Russia, and the Tragedy continues! Russian thistle- tumbleweed is to be “plucked” before it blocks your street! Russian River, California will drown you to the west!


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