Malta’s center of Santorini rotation

Malta’s 6,403 km perimeter/3= 2,168 km-sided equilateral triangle, or 54 km shy of the 2,222 km distance to Santorini archipelago (2.5 percent)- which was a killer some 3600 years ago (1580BC), and it’s still active! Above is the faulted slice pointing to Santorini, 
 and below is an island offshore Turkey- which is part of the archipelago:

 Damming of the Nile River above has influenced Malta via retaining mass which previously went to the Mediterranean Sea; below shows the south part- which is closer to the delta:
 Subsea Vulcanism shown as a dark rise below has formed another ET=656/3=218.7 km sided equilateral triangle of 222 km measured (showing the error of the measure):

 Above 4.1M near Malta formed a corner of an equilateral triangle ET, and 677/3= 225.7 km, or excess 3.7, 1.5 percent deviation from 222. Below is the first corner from Malta’s quake:
Malta Island is not centered in the triangle, but an subsea ridge is part of the young archipelago:
Malta above is split, and the scarp is young also. Below is the shallow sea triangle:
 Italy is part of the triangle- shown at the coast:
Conclusions for the Maltese Cross:
1. Small triangles pertain to recent events (quake);
2. Domain of Malta includes islands near Sicily;
3. LaGrange equilateral triangles expand with time, and remain equilateral triangles;
4. West Mediterranean is another province with Gibralter inselberg being the locus Monadnock:
 South Pacific’s Cook Islands provide a chance to find whether ET finds anomalies “down under”:
Starting with 2,222 km, 6,584/3= 2195 or 27 km shy-1.4 percent displacement; other corners find a trench (sink offsetting a rise) shown next:

“Tic marks” below are Chatter on the seafloor (d{jerk}/dt) I have measured  for an outlier of Pine Valley Mountains outlier-1 cm spacing in 3 dimensions for a 22 million year igneous Monzonite intrusion.
Tunguska explosion never reached Earth’s surface and is valuable for evaluating equilateral triangles below: 

 Tunguska leveled trees, even though its remains were never found; Russian below gave the location and scientists comments:
Clue to Incipience of equilateral triangles is the placement by the Tunguska River and another shown below:

Conjecture that dark energy is causing expansion of Earth’s surface and formation of ET will be continued until it’s confirmed one way or another.
 2,982/3= 994, 5 km shy of the Maximum found for mid-latitudes.70N isn’t in that category and adds an extension to what was found for dark energy guiding the direction and placement of bolides:
Nevada 6.5N has a choice of 3 different equilateral triangles, and below is one offshore California- where 1,646/3= 548.7 km for a 555 km sided ET. 8.3 shy is 1.4 percent deviation. Subsea volcano has just been reported near Santa Cruz, and would satisfy the LaGrange hot corner:

Below is the offshore rise before selecting ET, and below that

Start of Nevada 6.5M is located below, and the numerous aftershocks have enlarged my search and ET:

 Above is an island in the Santorini archipelago- which is 2,001/3=667 km of a 666 sided first limb of an equilateral triangle ET; it’s 1/666, or .15 percent deviation from ET. Below is the USGS’s data:
 Big picture of the triangle ET is shown below, with 98 percent accuracy:
Above is the USGS’s location for further comparison, and below is the northwest corner:

Anomalies are found with this type of analysis, so as to assist in understanding Earth Dynamics via Polygons- triangles for this case. 
Below is the separation of Malta offshore and Papua’s highest peak- multiple of 111 km is distance, finding 111’s multiples; below is the 13,320/111= 120(not a third of 360 degree), so don’t use 111.111= 40,000/360, 111.0 is a distance only!
 Approaching from Papua, 13,320/111= 120 units- not degrees:

Papua’s highest peak location from the literature above, and distance from it below:
Below is the literature coordinates for Papua’s highest peak:


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